It feels like we’ve won the Lotto, twice!

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In 2017, we adopted our son Nicolas through ProCare, and for the past 2 years he’s been the most friendly, bubbly, smart, engaging and busy little boy that has just warmed up our home and lives, and those of family and friends around us! (You can read “A heartfelt thanks from 2 dads” right here


We thought our lives were complete and we were looking forward to start travelling overseas again, as Nicolas received his Passport in his new name… Boy, were we wrong!


At the end of 2018, we received a surprise phone call from our social worker, informing us that Nicolas’ tummy-mummy gave birth to a sibling, and asked us to start thinking about the option of possibly adopting his sibling also.


Our minds were racing, from fear and excitement, but we allowed the legal process to continue in the background, while we made sure all our forms and paperwork were in order, for when we have to go in to receive the Final Presentation and decide to continue (or not).


It was a long 3-month period of day-dreaming and wondering what this little boy will look like, and how he might fit into our already ‘perfect’ family, and important, how it might affect Nicolas. But receiving all his reports and of course those ever-important pictures, we immediately said “YES!”, and 5 days later we met Nicolas’ brother Oliver and welcomed him into our family.


From the very first hour of getting home and introducing Oliver to his Big Brother, we were at peace with our decision, and knew that this was the best decision we could have made not only for us as a family, but also for Nicolas, as it’s very clear of the bond they have, and that he has a new best friend and takes the Big Brother role very serious!


We honestly feel like we’ve won the Lotto twice, having adopted two such healthy, happy and amazing little kids, and together we are now indeed the ‘perfect’ family of four!


Now it’s just the long process again of getting all name changes approved and applying for Olivers’ Passport… then the travelling can hopefully start again ;-).

PROCAREAdoption, Family